Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Archive at 30: Michael Lonergan

Michael writes:

 "IT'S THE 'Chive Cast" [insert jingle]...

 It was Skye and Steve's podcast, which started February 2010, that brought me to the Archive and all it had to offer. Like a lot of us "old timers," I found the Rebelscum forums in the early 2000s, and that was how I interacted for buying, selling and discussing the hobby. When the guys started up the podcast, I was there from the first episode (on my iPod no less). I couldn't believe there was a podcast (or "audio magazine") on my hobby. Based here in Brisbane (BrisBANE) Australia, I didn’t have access to large collector groups or meet ups, so collecting was very much an online pursuit for me. I got involved (in a small way) when I one day sent Steve a few examples of past Greedo sales he could use for the next month’s ‘Chive Cast MarketWatch. I hadn’t messaged or interacted with Skye or Steve before, and I wasn’t well known on the forums. Steve, always the gentleman, replied and then I got involved on a monthly basis. I even created a blog at some point and then joined up with Pete Fitzke as co-contributors (Pete’s articles are worth a read -- they contain some great interviews as well as overviews of auctions).

I felt honoured when I was invited to be part of the Archive’s change 10 years ago and contribute the monthly MarketWatch segments (has Ron listened to or read one as yet??). I’m sure I’m a low-end contributor in terms of volume (though I probably do make a few readers cry when they look at examples on the MarketWatch blog with ESB proof cards selling for a few hundred dollars).
Skye established the podcast with a real attempt to engage the community, even having a phone line you could call to leave feedback (the Wampa Line) at one point in time (it really is that old!!!). He encouraged people to reach out, which I eventually did. It was great to make the connection and add content for the podcast and make a few appearances on the show (I even taught Skye the phrase "my day has gone to custard" when I had to shuffle my time for recording).
I’d like to say thanks to Gus, Ron, Chris and everyone who contributed to the Archive over the years. It is a great resource and very much holds up today. The various ways to engage with the Archive, including the podcast, and then later on the blog, have kept it relevant (or in the 20th Century as Skye puts it). People make this hobby and I’m grateful that I found my way into that group in a small way.
-- Brisbane BrisBANE Mike

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