Han Hoth Has a Holster!

Many of the more creative kids realized that the Han Hoth action figure has a functional holster. In this thread from The Imperial Commissary group, collectors debate if this feature was sculpted purposely or whether it was a happy accident. Other less known action figure features are discussed as well, including the swiveling claw arm on FX-7 and the functional backpack on Leia Boushh.

The full thread can be found here:

I Wanna be a Toys "R" Us Kid: 1948-2018

With the recent announcement of the upcoming closing of Toys "R" Us, there has been an increase in appreciation and nostalgia for the mega toy store franchise. The previously much maligned large orange price stickers, which often obstruct a portion of the cardback imagery, are given their due as a piece of toy history in this thread from the Empire Strikes Back group.

The full thread can be found here:

Insuring  a Collection Against Damage or Theft

With the skyrocketing values placed on Star Wars collectibles, the Empire Strikes Back group discusses options for insuring a collection. The discussion includes the benefits and risks of using a pre-existing home owners or renters insurance policy as compared to taking out a collector specific insurance policy.

The full thread can be found here:

Further Reading on the Archive:
Surely You Must Ensure to Insure 

An “Early Bird Certificate” in Question

An Early Bird Certificate with a different perforation pattern is found and is compared to known original examples in this thread from Star Wars 12 Backs and Early Vintage Collectors Group. The authenticity of the certificate is evaluated by collectors.

The full thread can be found here:

Further Reading on the Archive: