Amy writes:
Celebration Chicago is a few weeks away. Soon we will be reveling in 5 days of panels, parties and swag. The best part, as always, is seeing collector friends that you only get to see at Celebration. Naturally, many fans make small tokens to commemorate the event. For a refresh of what was handed out at the last celebration look no further than here.
Trading has been going on for several years now. Turns out, the tradition has only grown and spread far beyond the collecting community. Take for example this SWC Swag Crew on Facebook which boasts a tracked list that exceeds 1,000 unique items for this convention alone.
Due to the sheer volume, I will be focusing these posts on collector and collectible themed swag. Prepare for your jaw to drop.

Coin set of 15 -- Complete the set and get the barge coin holder - NESWCC, Line Force, KSWCC, SWCS, SWCC, Swag Crew, Norwich SW Club UK
12 patch set -- Complete collection of 12 and receive the bonus Boba patch -Joe Kersavage, Daryl Whitlow, Chris Moorehead, Chris Logli, Mark Schnack, Brent Abell, Donna Abell, Chris Hamilton, Marjorie Carvalho, Shawn Moynihan, Ralph Dizozza, Jimmy Barcellino, Brian Horner, Mike De Stefano

9 patch set -San Antonio Ewok Wranglers

Puzzle patch set -NESWCC
Build your own Palitoy Death Star -- Ben Coomber, Martin Woodgate, Peter Lee, James Martin, Simon McOwan, Robert Marsh, Daniel Burgess, Jason Smith, Nick Rayner, Daz Quinn
SARLACC 25th anniversary coin -- Members of SARLACC
Han towels -starwars_runner
Kenner overstock hardcopy pins -- Josh Blake
Kenner TV mash-up buttons 1 of 5 -- Vintage Rebellion Podcast
2 Patch Set -- Darren Mcaleese, Bill Cable
Patch -- KSWCC

4 button set ESB -- Buckeye State Collectors
2 patch set -- Steve Rensi, Bill Cable
Mini Intergalactic Passport (collect all 4 stamps) -- Matthew Mulinaro
Button and patch carded set -- Nerdmatters

Mail-away button -- Mark Huber
Dengar Disguise Kit -- Shawna Bova
Boba Fett Offer button (stop by the booth for a Boba Pin) -- Billy Galaxy
Vintage trading card buttons (collect all 9-blind packaged with a chance to win a patch) -- Craig Boyse
Han Solo HCF pencil sharpener -- Craig Spivey, Grant Criddle
Cobot tokens -- Erik Janniche, Johnathan McElwain

K-2-SO's cereal boxes, flyer, buttons -- Jim Gibbons
Badge - Ryan Dooks
Tiki patch -- Ken Tarleton
Button based on UK party plates -- Graham Huges
Mini rig patch -- Craig Aossey
Pizza the Hutt promotion (various items) -- various collectors
Boba Fett Micro pins -- Rob Amantea
Speeder Bike swag box --Todd Giganti
Various Mos Atlanta items - Narayan Naik
POTF bottle cap card sets (collect all caps to get a coin album) -GASWC and Mos Atlanta Cantina
Kenner Carrying Case patch set -- OSWCC
Carded Tarkin magnet -- Left Coast Graphics
Patch -- Chris Moorehead

Soda bottle pins -- Amy Sjoberg
Tote bag -- Jim Gibbons, Amy Sjoberg, Tom Stewart
Ewoks 9 patch set -- Mike Kurtz
If you are attending celebration, and want to meet some new collectors and make new friends, consider joining Star Wars With Friends (SWWF). Created by Cathy Kendrick, SWWF is a scrabble game you can play to win prizes and get swag. All donations made to play the game go to Rancho Obi-Wan.
We have barely made a pecking on the surface! I will be making another post next week with more swag. Until then, may your lanyards be full!
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